Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between one year access and unlimited access?

    One year access means that you'll have access to the course videos for one year, although any downloads (brushes, overlays, cheat-sheets etc.) are yours forever. Unlimited access to the course means full access to the course videos as long as Aga Karmol’s course page exists.

  • Can I upgrade to unlimited access later?

    Unfortunately, if you purchase the one-year-access course and wish to keep access to the course videos for longer, you will have to purchase the unlimited access at full price.

  • What are difficulty levels of the courses?

    If you are unsure whether the course is suitable for your Photoshop expertise, or if you'd like to know the best order to take my courses, here is some information that may help you:

  • Do you offer discounts for multi-buys?

    Unfortunately, I don’t offer bundles or multi-buy discounts. The courses are on different difficulty levels, I’d like to avoid situations where students buy a course that’s too advanced for them only because it was in a bundle.

  • Can I keep course materials when my access expired?

    Yes, no matter the access period (enrollment) length, the course materials (brushes, overlays etc) are yours forever.

  • I get "Uncompatible with this version of Photoshop" message when I am trying to install the brushes. What do I do?

    Brushes are compatible with all versions of PS, I check them with every new version - I also use the same brushes that I include in my courses. HOWEVER: a very few of you (around 1-2%) will get this message due to some software errors with unpacking the downloaded file. Contact me and I will send you the uncompressed brushes.

  • I stumbled on a problem, can I get some help?

    Yes - this is what my "Photography courses with Aga Karmol" Facebook group is for. It's a small private group available ONLY to my students. Join the group, ask the question. I will help you (or someone else will) - and others would learn from your experience too. Link to the group: